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cedar path expeditions- is it Right for you?

How can you determine if Cedar Path aligns with who you are and what you're seeking?

  • You hold a profound care for nature and yearn for an opportunity to strengthen your connection with it. You always practice Leave No Trace when in the backcountry.

  • You love hiking, backpacking & camping. This is probably not your first hiking trip.

  • You crave adventure and embrace the unknown, preferring unscripted experiences over meticulously curated trips.

  • You're adept at contributing and thrive in a team-oriented approach in the backcountry.

  • You are interested in mindfulness and have some sort of contemplative practice, or are opening to exploring one.

  • You either own your personal outdoor gear or have access to acquiring it. We are happy to give gear recommendations.

  • You are collaborative over competitive.

  • You are looking forward to turning off your devices and disconnecting from technology.

  • You are excited to engage with a small group and appreciate getting to know others.

  • You are ready for an extraordinary, transformative and fun expedition that promises an exceptional wilderness experience.