Guatemalan higHlands

The Cuchumatanes Mountains

March 15 - 21, 2025

Hike Guatemala’s highlands, rich in culture and beauty.

Come and explore the magnificent highlands, El Altiplano, of Guatemala from Nebaj to Todos Santos. Our hike includes summiting La Torre, the highest non-volcanic peak in Central America.

This region comprises some of Guatemala's most breathtaking terrain. It is known for its diverse geography, stunning landscapes, towering volcanoes, and highland villages with rich indigenous culture. Maya identity is stronger here than anywhere in the country. It is also the home to much of the war atrocities of the country and we can expect to hear personal stories and histories from the families we stay with.

Guatemalan Highlands- 7 nights - Hiking / Homestay’s / Boutique Hotels

  • 4 days & nights hiking on trail

  • 3 nights in luxury boutique hotels

    (1 x Antigua at start, 2 x Xela at start & end of hike)

  • 33 miles total hiking; 9022 ft elevation gain

  • summit La Torre, the highest peak in the Cuchumatanes, and the highest non-volcanic peak in Central America

  • rated moderate hiking

  • all meals while on expedition

    (including meals in town starting first evening dinner and last day breakfast)

  • 2 x Temescal (traditional sauna)

  • max 6 participants

  • $2195 USD - includes all meals, 7 nights accommodation, transportation between Antigua & Xela.

    (*does not include - flights to/from Guatemala, transportation between airport and Antigua, hotel or lunch/dinner on March 22, snacks or meals outside of expedition, alcohol, tips)

What to expect…

Boutique luxury to rural hiking in one expedition.

Our Cedar Path adventure starts in Antigua, a stunning colonial town where we will gather together, have a group orientation, and then enjoy Antigua’s magic and charm. The following day we will travel together to Quetzaltenango (Xela) to prepare for our expedition, have time to explore the town, and enjoy our lovely boutique hotel and restaurant. The next day, we'll begin our hike through breathtaking mountains and remote villages, accompanied by our local guides. Along the way, we'll stay in a variety of homestay’s, immersing ourselves in the local culture. We will receive the opportunity to enjoy temescals (traditional saunas) and evening conversations with the families while they share their stories and rich history.

This expedition offers stunning nature and unique cultural interactions, along with a taste of Guatemala’s charming hotels and restaurants on either end of the hike.

We’re excited about our collaboration with Quetzaltrekkers

A portion of your dollars go directly to fund Asociación Escuela de la Calle (EDELAC).

Since 1995, Quetzaltrekkers has been the primary fundraiser for the social projects of Asociación Escuela de la Calle (EDELAC), which provides education, housing, and social support to disadvantaged children in Xela.

Cedar Path Expeditions is excited to work with Quetzaltrekkers to support the EDELAC initiatives. We want you to know your dollars go directly to support these projects for the youth of Xela, as well as to the families we encounter on our expedition.

  • Guatemala hiking expedition Path Expeditions hiking camping
  • Hiking Guatemala Cedar Path
  • Guatemala hiking village Cedar Path Expeditions camping hiking
  • Guatemala hiking expedition village Cedar Path
  • Guatemala goats hiking Cedar Path Expeditions valley hiking
  • Guatemala highlands hiking Cedar Path Expeditions camping hiking
  • Guatemala hiking village Cedar Path Expeditions hiking camping
  • Guatemala Fabric hiking Cedar Path Expeditions
  • Guatemala market Hiking Cedar Path
  • Antigua Guatemala Cedar Path HIking
  • Antigua Guatemala hiking Cedar Path


Guatemalan Highlands Hiking & Cultural Expedition

March 15-21, 2025

Guatemala Antigua hiking Cedar Path
HIking Guatemala highlands Cedar Path
  • Welcome to Guatemala!

    Our group will meet at our charming hotel in Antigua in the late afternoon of March 15, 2025.

    We will officially start the expedition with an orientation that includes reviewing the trip logistics and plan, and checking our personal gear together. We will then share in the amazing gastronomy scene of Antigua and take in the magic of the town.

    NOTE: Travel from Guatemala City Airport to Antigua can take from 45 mins to 2 hours depending on traffic. Ubers and Taxis are available from the airport (approx $30 - $80 USD).

  • This morning we will enjoy some local coffee and a delicious breakfast before meeting our shuttle for the 4 hour drive to Xela.

    Once in Xela we will relax at our beautiful boutique hotel, explore the city and gather for dinner before a good nights sleep - the hiking adventure starts tomorrow!

  • Today is our first hiking day!

    We will rise bright and early, meet our local guides and drive to Nebaj (5-6 hrs). Once in Nebaj, we will enjoy a hearty lunch and then start our afternoon hike to Acul.

    In the small village of Acul we will visit a cheese farm, and then receive the pleasure of a hot temescal (traditional sauna) to cleanse ourselves and relax for the evening with our village hosts.

    Tonight we stay in single beds in shared rooms at a homestay.

    Distance: 3.7 miles (hiking), ↑ 1148 ft ↓1213 f

  • This morning we will rise to the village roosters, enjoy a local breakfast, pack a lunch and start our hike through the highlands.

    We will hike in through the Altiplano, experiencing incredible changes in the biome.

    We will end up in the village of Choritz, enjoy a campfire and bunk in together at a community building that night, sleeping on small mattresses on the floor.

    Distance: 10.2 miles, ↑ 4265 ft

  • This morning will be another early start to a fabulous day of hiking. We will see incredible views and cross a gorgeous river valley. The final leg will include a shuttle for the last 1.5 hrs to reach La Ventana, where we will stay at the home of Don Geronimo. This is a homestay with mattresses in a large shared room.

    We will be fortunate to enjoy another temescal and share in stories from the family of this village over dinner.

    Distance: 13 miles, ↑ 1968 ft ↓1968 f

  • Today will be a very special day as we ascend La Torre for breakfast and sunrise views. This is the highest peak in the Cuchamatanes, and the highest non-volcanic peak in Central America.

    We will then descend through an ecological reserve to La Maceta for lunch after which we will take a shuttle for the final stretch to Todos Santos.

    Todos Santos is a unique town known for its namesake festival in November, with a unique blend of thousands of years of Mam history, Spanish conquest, war impact, and modern migration stories.

    We will have time to explore, eat, celebrate our hike and enjoy the town of Todos Santos. Tonight we will stay at a motel, in shared rooms, with a shower.

    Distance: 6.2 miles, ↑ 1640 ft ↓2624 f

  • After breakfast in town we will drive back to Xela for the night (5-6 hrs). We will have a final celebration dinner together and share in the joy of our hiking adventure.

    This is the official end of the expedition.

  • Cedar Path will organize your shuttle back to Antigua, La Aurora Airport or another destination in Guatemala leaving in the morning from the hotel in Xela, direct to your destination.

    NOTE: It is advised to book only evening flights on March 22nd or preferably flights on March 23th, in case of unforeseen travel interruptions between Xela and La Aurora airport.

Save your spot

March 15 - 21, 2025

Reach out now to reserve a trip of a lifetime hiking in Guatemala.

Limited to 6 spots only!

Trip FAQ

Where exactly are the Western Highlands of Guatemala?

Our hiking expedition will take us to various locations in Guatemala including Antigua, Xela, Nebaj and Todos Santos.

The area considered the Western Highlands, is Northwest of Guatemala City stretching from Antigua to the Mexico border. We will start our hike in the village of Santa Maria Nebaj which is a colorful town with magical realism, and its name comes from the Ixil language, which means “where water is born.” Their inhabitants are direct descendants of the Mayan Civilization. To get there, it is necessary to travel 130 miles from Antigua. It is also part of the known “Ixil Region”, located on the mountain chain Los Cuchumatanes.

Todos Santos is a remote town in the Western Highlands in the department of Huehuetenango. Todos Santos’ isolation has helped keep its Mayan traditions alive. Residents still speak the Mayan language of Mam, and it’s one of the places in Guatemala where you’ll see locals wearing traditional attire. Todos Santos is one of the few remaining places in Guatemala that still use the 260-day Mayan calendar known as the Tzolkin.

How do I get there?

  1. Arrival- Fly into La Aurora International Airport in Guatemala City the morning of March 15 or earlier.

  2. Travel to Antigua by TAXI or UBER. This is the most convenient and fastest way to travel. Cars are available at the airport arrivals terminal. $30- $100, approx. 1 hr to 2.5 hrs, depending on traffic.

NOTE: we will be meeting March 15 at 4pm in Antigua.

  1. Departure- Book your flight to depart La Aurora International Airport late in the evening of March 22nd or after.

NOTE: Cedar Path provides a shuttle from Xela to your choice of destination including the airport, on March 22nd, included in the trip price.

What is the cancelation policy?

There is a $200 booking fee that is non-refundable.

  • Until Dec 15, 2024- 100% refundable (minus the booking fee)

  • After Dec 15, 2024- 50% refundable (minus the booking fee)

  • Two months prior, Jan 15, 2025- not refundable

Do I need a Visa or permit to enter Guatemala?

No. USA and Canadian citizens do not need a Visa or permit to enter Guatemala.

Do I need travel medical insurance?

Yes. You will need to purchase travel insurance for the dates we will be visiting. We recommend our umbrella company Finisterra Travel for your insurance quote and easy purchasing. We require proof of medical travel insurance for all of our expeditions.

Is this area safe; how do we deal with emergencies on the trip?

Yes, this area is safe and well maintained for hiking. We work with local Guatemalan guiding companies to ensure our safety and offer respect for the local people of Guatemala.

At Cedar Path, we always carry satellite emergency devices for contact and have risk management and evacuation plans in place.

Like any back country trip we can not mitigate all the risks and challenges… and that is what we love about it! Our expeditions are true adventures which we will manage with skill, competence and thoughtfulness as we go.

What can I expect for weather?

March in Guatemala is characterized by warm and dry weather, making it one of the most pleasant times of the year to travel and explore. This period falls during the dry season, which lasts from November to April, offering sunny days and clear skies ideal for outdoor activities. 

Daytime temperatures in Antigua during this time are comfortably warm, usually ranging between 22°C (72°F) and 28°C (82°F), although it will be cooler in the highlands especially at night. There may be occasional rainfall in the mountains.

We will prepare for our hiking expedition with clothes for all weather- sun, clouds, wind and rain.

What are the sleeping arrangements like?

Antigua- Luxury boutique hotel with shared (double) rooms.

Xela - Luxury boutique hotel with shared (double) rooms.

Todos Santos - Basic hotel with shared (double) rooms

Homestay’s on trail - The sleeping accommodations are very basic and like camping, although we will always have a roof over our heads (no tents). We will sleep in sleeping bags on sleeping pads in shared spaces. Some homestay’s offer a bed.

Do I need my own camping gear?

Yes. Ideally you will bring your own personal backpack, sleeping bag and sleeping pad. If you do not already own gear, we are happy to give you suggestions and advice on what to purchase.

If you do not want to bring your own gear, you will be able to rent from our partner company in Xela.

We recommend bringing your own gear so you are familiar and comfortable with it.

What should I pack?

Please see our Guatemalan Highlands packing list.

What is the food like?

While on the hiking part of the expedition we will eat with the locals and enjoy their ‘tipico’ cuisine (beans, rice, Guatemalan corn tortillas, cheese, eggs). All the food provided is vegetarian, with occasional meat options at the homestay’s. The food is very basic and limited to what the families have access to. Please bring a mindset of flexibility and ease with regards to the homestay food. There will be plenty of food and snacks to keep us energized to hike. Please feel free to bring any personal snacks you know you will enjoy.

Do you accommodate dietary restrictions?

Yes. All the food on this expedition is vegetarian. If you are vegan or gluten free, we may ask you to bring some of your preferred back country supplemental nutrition to add to your meals.

Can I drink the water on the trail?

There is plenty of fresh water along the trail and we will treat all of our water. Cedar Path will provide water treatment drops.

Can I bring my phone & tech devices?

We highly recommend you disconnect from your devices as much as possible while on expedition.

If you need to connect with someone, we ask you do so in private spaces and not in the group setting.

There will be no cell service on sections of this route. It is best to tell your loved ones you will not be in contact to prevent them worrying.

How difficult is this expedition?

This route is considered moderate. It does not require technical gear or technical skills. There are many rising and descending elevations as we work our way through the hills so a basic level of fitness is required. Some days are as long as 13 miles, so please be prepared to hike long days over varied terrain and elevation. You do not need to have extensive backpacking experience to participate in this expedition. Beginners with good fitness levels are welcome!

Kellsie El Torre Guatemala highlands Cedar Path

Kellsie at one of the incredible views in the Guatemalan highlands.

Meet your trip leader

Kellsie Forbes
Founder & Trip Leader

For the better part of the last decade, Kellsie has served as a field instructor and Evacuation Coordinator with NOLS (the National Outdoor Leadership School). Throughout this time, she has led expeditions across the globe, guiding individuals of all ages through diverse outdoor experiences. Her primary mission is to foster a deeper connection between people and nature, seeking healing for the earth and all its inhabitants. Through her leadership, she facilitates transformative experiences with the natural world, enriching lives with joy, hope, fun, and inspiration.

FUN FACTS about Kellsie:

She has sailed across the Pacific ocean.

She has a traveling cat named Remi who sometimes goes camping.

The meditative qualities of hiking- rhythm, repetition, and clarity are some of reasons she loves hiking expeditions.

She studied Traditional Chinese Medicine and practices various healing techniques.

Saunas and hot springs are an obsession, and she is starting to enjoying cold plunging too.

She doesn’t love cooking but sure loves eating.